Sunday, August 22, 2010

The "Superhuman Raw Vegan Smoothie" Recipe for Extreme Health

Depending on your body size, the quantities in this recipe may actually be enough for 2 servings.

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (very low in sugar if you get the unsweetened variety)
  • 1 cup coconut milk drink (if you can't find the "coconut milk drink", you can use 1/3 cup canned coconut milk with 2/3 cup water, since canned coconut milk is much thicker and creamier than "coconut milk drink")
  • 1 packet unsweetened frozen acai puree (you can find unsweetened acai frozen puree here or at many health food stores)
  • A couple handfuls of frozen goji berries or other mixed berries (I've found frozen goji berries at Whole Foods stores... don't use dried goji berries as they'll make big chunks in your smoothie.  The frozen goji berries taste better too.  You can read more about the superfood status of goji berries here)
  • A handful of fresh or frozen spinach
  • 1 packet of stevia or for non-diabetics, 1-2 Tablespoons of Palm Sugar - I like to use natural non-caloric (stevia) or low-glycemic index (palm sugar) because I am strictly against the use of artificial sweeteners)
  • 2 teaspoons of chia seeds (one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat...loaded with rare antioxidants, soluble fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, and super high in omega-3's) 
  • 2 teaspoons of hemp seeds (significant amounts of zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals, as well as a high quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids)
  • 1 Tablespoon of glycerin-free chlorophyll 
  • 2 teaspoons of raw cacao nibs (one of the highest antioxidant foods available; can help reduce blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular function)
  • 1 teaspoon of raw organic cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon of raw Maca powder (nutrient-rich, made from a south american root; purported to help increase libido; adaptogen that can help the body deal with stress)
  • 1 scoop of chocolate Sun Warrior Raw Vegan Protein (this is one of the only truly RAW vegan proteins I've found)
  • 1 tablespoon of raw almond butter

Blend all the ingredients until thick and smooth.  I add the powdered ingredients after the blender is already running so that they mix easier. This smoothie is so powerfully healthy for your body, you'll notice a consistent "super-energy" throughout the day without spikes and crashes if you start each day with one of these.  Also, if you consciously think about how nutritious this smoothie is, your body will actually get even better results, because of the power of the mind (placebo effect).

This recipe was adapted for a raw vegan lifestyle from Mike Geary's "Superhuman Smoothie" Recipe for Extreme Health.  Enjoy!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Amazing Super Food Chocolate Fudge Recipe for a Lean and Healthy Body!

Dear Friends and Family,

Many of you have asked me, how on earth did you give up white sugar, white flour, grains, fast food and genetically modified food?  The answer to this question is simple.  I substituted healthy fruits and vegetables and healthy sugars (palm sugar, fruit sugar, yacon syrup, maple syrup) for the white flour, grains, fast food and genetically modified food.  IT ACTUALLY COSTS LESS!  Most fruits and vegetables ARE NOT genetically modified.  But just about all fast food, bread and grains is and is therefore toxic!  

Note: In animal feeding studies genetically modified foods have been shown to cause cancer, infertility, kidney/liver damage, rectal bleeding, stomach lesions, and a brain damage.  Over 90% of the "food" in the U.S. is genetically modified.  Most fruits and vegetables ARE NOT genetically modified.  What is genetically modified and therefore toxic?  Corn, soy, canola, rapeseed oil, cottonseed oil, aspartame, papayas from Hawaii, dairy products, zuchinni, sugar beets, beet sugar, yellow crookneck squash.  genetically modified foods, oils and organisms ARE NOT ALLOWED IN ORGANIC FOODS.

I still keep sugar consumption to a minimum and try to keep my daily consumption down to about 25 - 30 grams of healthy sugar per day.  Here's a great recipe for chocolate fudge to satisfy sweet cravings WITHOUT unhealthy white sugar and toxic genetically modified foods and genetically modified oils.


  • 3/4 cup organic coconut milk (NOT the watered down "light" version which just replaces some of the healthy coconut fat with water...use the real full-fat version).
  • 1 bar of bakers UNSWEETENED chocolate.  A 3 - 5 oz. bar works well.  Get 100% cacao content.  If you can't find 100% cacao bakers chocolate, look for at least 70 - 80% cocoa content on the label of any dark chocolate bar to minimize sugar content!
  • 4 - 5 tablespoons of almond butter, pecan butter, and/or macadamia butter
  • 3/4 cup goji berries (optional) 

  • 1/2 cup whole raw almonds or other nuts (optional)
  • 1/4 cup raw chopped pecans (optional)
  • 1 scoop, about 25 grams of hemp protein powder 

  • 3 Tablespoons chia seeds, hemp seeds, and/or flax seeds  (optional, but adds crazy amounts of vitamins, minerals, and a nutty taste)
  • 2 Tablespoons cooked quinoa or millet or organic shredded coconut
  • 2 Tablespoons rice bran (usually only available at health food stores)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • A little natural stevia powder, yacon syrup or palm sugar to sweeten (add a small amount to achieve the sweetness you prefer)
  • add a small touch of real organic maple syrup if you want a more "blended" sweetness flavor (keep the amount small to keep sugar content low)

  • NOTE ON THE COCONUT MILK: don't be afraid of the fats in this... coconut fat is mostly medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) that are more readily used for energy and also contain a special fat called Lauric Acid, which is extremely healthy and supports the immune system.

  • Start by adding the coconut milk.  Cans of organic unsweetened coconut milk are available at most health food stores and possibly even your grocery store.  Coconut ,milk in the refrigerator section at Whole Foods is much better than canned.  Add the coconut milk and and vanilla extract to a small saucepan on VERY LOW HEAT -- the lowest heat setting. Break up the extra dark chocolate bar into chunks and add into pot. Add the nut butters and the stevia, and continuously stir until it all melts together into a smooth mixture. 

  • Then add the goji berries, nuts, seeds, protein powder, quinoa (or millett) and rice bran and stir until fully blended.  If the mixture becomes too thick or dry consistency, just add a small amount more coconut milk.  If the mixtures seems too wet, keep in mind that it will solidify a good bit once it goes in the fridge.

  • Spoon/pour the fudge mixture onto some waxed paper in a glass dish and place in the fridge until it cools and solidifies together (3-4 hours). Cut into squares once firm and place in a closed container or cover with foil in fridge to prevent it from drying out

  • Enjoy small squares of this delicious healthy "super-food" fudge for dessert and for small snacks throughout the day. This is about as good as it gets for a healthy yet delicious treat

  • Even though this is a healthier dessert idea that's lower in sugar and higher in nutrition than most sweet treats, keep in mind that it is still calorie dense, so keep your portions reasonable.  Give this recipe a try and I guarantee that you'll LOVE it...

    Yes, you can be healthy AND eat healthy without overdosing on grains and sugar and subjecting yourself to toxic drugs and risky surgery!  Yes, you can! 

    This recipe was adapted from Mike Geary's Lean Body Chocolate Peanut butter "Super Food" Fudge Recipe.


Quick, Healthy Snack Ideas to Help You Lose Weight!

  • Apple or other fruit with organic unsweetened almond butter
  • Raw Tahini with carrot sticks or sliced red/yellow/orange peppers

  • Avocado slides with carrot sticks or sliced red/yellow/orange peppers 
  • Shredded coconut mixed with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, cocoa powder, stevia, and vanilla extract (delicious high protein, low carb snack!)
  • Shredded coconut mixed with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, mixed with yogurt, berries, and walnuts or pecans 
  • A couple hard boiled ORGANIC eggs with carrot and celery sticks and raw tahini (roasted red pepper tahini is one of my favorites)

  • Celery sticks with organic unsweetened almond butter (a classic quick snack)
  • Avocado slices wrapped in organic turkey breast (one of my favorite quick snacks)
  • 1 cup of quinoa or millet mixed with nut butter and berries
  • Fresh sliced pineapple with a handful of macadamia nuts
  • A bowl of blueberries mixed with chopped raw almonds
  • Shredded coconut mixed with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, cinnamon, green or yellow apple slices, and walnuts (mmm, mmm good) 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

McDonald's Chicken McNuggets Contain Silly Putty and Arsenic

Even at low levels, arsenic causes cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and brain damage.  However, the drive to enrich pharmaceutical companies and produce more animals for "food" in less time is the reason that chickens in the U.S. are given arsenic in their feed as an antibiotic.  Please consider watching the documentary Food Inc. to learn more about how the mechanized and industrialized food system in the U.S. and the associated adverse effects on our environment, health, economy and workers' rights. 

Arsenic in the U.S. chicken supply is the topic of a recent report, in which the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) Food and Health Program follows up on USDA scientists concerns about arsenic in chicken meat.  What the IATP discovered is shocking.  All chicken from fast food restaurants contained some level of arsenic in their tests.  On average, chicken thighs from Church's had 20 times the arsenic than chicken from KFC.  Most uncooked chicken products from supermarkets and grocery stores contained arsenic as well.  In IATP tests, Perdue Chicken had ten times the arsenic of the least contaminated brand, Smart Chicken.  It is important to note that IATPs tests for arsenic in chicken are informative and the most testing to date, but not definitive.  Testing is expensive, so they tested no more than five samples of any one product.  However, the results of IATPs study shows that U.S. consumers deserve a more comprehensive testing protocol for arsenic in chicken and statistical analysis.

A June 25, 2010 CNN article, entitled All McNuggets Are Not Created Equal, illustrates the difference in chemical additives between British and U.S. chicken McNuggets.  In addition to arsenic in chicken, we also need to be concerned about the chemical preservatives, TBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone and dimethylpolysiloxane in McDonald's Chicken McNuggets.  TBHQ is a petroleum-based preservative for vegetable oils and animal fats, limited to .02 percent of the oil in the nugget. One gram (one-thirtieth of an ounce) of TBHQ can cause "nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, a sense of suffocation, and collapse," according to “A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives.  Dimethylpolysiloxane is“an anti-foaming agent” and a form of silicone that is also used in cosmetics and Silly Putty.   A review of animal studies by The World Health Organization found no adverse health effects associated with dimethylpolysiloxane.  By contrast, British Chicken McNuggets contain neither of these ingredients!  McDonald's claims the difference is a matter of consumer taste.  However, as a rule we should not be consuming food with ingredients that cause delirium, ringing in the ears, etc. In general, we should not consume food ingredients that are virtually impossible to pronounce.

If you must consume chicken, buy organic whenever you can to avoid arsenic and chemicals additives like TBHQ and silicone.  There are countless other reasons to avoid fast food, as it contains genetically modified organisms (cause cancer, diabetes, kidney/liver damage), monosodium glutamate (causes brain damage), aspartame, preservatives and artificial flavors and colors.  You can get affordable organic chicken from U.S. Wellness Meats.  Antibiotics, like arsenic, growth hormones, chicken feces and dead animals as feed are not allowed in organic brands.  Remember, if God didn't make it, don't eat it!  Yes, you can take control of your health and be healthy without toxic drugs and risky surgery!  Yes, you can!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Delicious Lacinto Kale and Walnut Pâté

Hello Friends and Family,

More and more people are asking me.  How in the world are you eating a diet that consists mostly of raw vegetables and fruit?  First of all, I live by the following saying, from the very wise Jack Lalane: "If God didn't make it, don't eat it!"  Living by this mantra makes the choices pretty easy.  God DID NOT make...
  • meat dipped in ammonia, with estrogen-mimicking chemicals injected into it - all conventional, non-organic U.S. meat is treated this way
  • highly processed bread and grains masquerading as "healthy" and "whole grain," loaded with dough conditioners, sugar, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and genetically modified oils - all conventional, non-organic U.S. bread and pasta is treated this way
  • beef from cows that eat corn and other dead cows and pigs instead of grass - all conventional, non-organic U.S. beef is treated this way
  • chickens that eat chicken droppings and dead chicken, pork, and other animal parts - all conventional, non-organic U.S. beef is treated this way
  • super simple sugars that cause fatty liver like high fructose corn syrup - most conventional, non-organic pre-packaed and processed food and condiments have high fructose corn syrup in them
  • bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST) injected into dairy cows in the US to increase milk-production - all conventional, non-organic U.S. dairy is treated this way
  • genetically engineered corn, soy, cottonseed, aspartame, canola, Hawaiian papayas, and sugar beets that have all been genetically engineered to produce their own pesticide and/or withstand the application of huge amounts of deadly pesticides - over 60-70% of the foods in the U.S. are either genetically modified or contain genetically modified ingredients, which have been show to cause obesity, diabetes, organic damage, cancer, infertility and other health problems in animal feeding studies

I also like food to taste good, so I put the same level of effort into marinating and seasoning vegetables that I would put into marinating and seasoning meat.  Here's a great recipe (borrowed from Lynda Carter of, tweaked by The Black Libertarianess) for a raw, organic lacinto kale salad and walnut pâté, power packed with Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium and Omega-3 fatty acids.  Thank you for this great recipe Lynda!

Try this recipe once per week and you will be doing your part to prevent and even naturally reverse cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and even inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema!  You can substitute collard greens for the kale if you need or want a calcium boost. 

Lacinto Kale and Walnut Pâté

Lacinato Kale

2 bunches of lacinato kale
2 apples
1 ripe mango
1/2 red pepper
1/2 lime juiced
3 - 4 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil (to taste)
1/2 teaspoon of organic lemon pepper (WITH NO SUGAR OR MSG ADDED)
1/2 teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Pink Salt
pinch cayenne pepper

You will need a large bowl.  Wash and thinly chop kale, remove tough stems. Thinly slice and dice apples, onion, red pepper. Cut mango in half cut into small cubes.

Toss kale and all ingredients in a large bow.  Toss thoroughly.  Allow the greens to marinade for one hour or more.

(Note: use a food processor to dice kale for a finer texture that will resemble cooked kale; substitute collard greens for the kale if you want more calcium in your diet)

Walnut Pâté (for a living food meat substitute)

1/2 lb. Walnuts, soaked in water for 2 hours
1/2 onion
1/2 red pepper
3 stalks of celery
1 clove Garlic
3 tarragon leaves
2 teaspoons of Bragg's Non-Genetically Modified Liquid Aminos
pinch cayenne pepper

Using a food processor or a wet/dry blender, grind vegetables with Bragg's Liquid Aminos and set aside. Grind walnuts and tarragon leaves. In a bowl mix vegetables mixture and walnut mixture.

(*Note: soaking the walnuts will restore the life force of the dormant nut.)

Plate the kale salad with the walnut pâté on the side.  Mix the salad and the pâté in every bite and enjoy!  Yes, you can be healthy WITHOUT toxic drugs or risky surgery!  Yes, you can!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Eat Your Leafy Vegetables To Decrease Your Risk Of Cataracts

According to a Science Daily article, women who have higher dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin--compounds found in yellow or dark, leafy vegetables--as well as more vitamin E from food and supplements appear to have a lower risk for developing cataracts.  Did you know that there may also be a link between certain anti-depressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and cataract development?  The degree of risk varies among anti-depressants?  For example, a recent University of Minnesota study showed that taking fluvoxamine (Luvox) led to a 51 per cent higher chance of having cataract surgery, and venlafaxine (Effexor) carried a 34 per cent higher risk.  This is serious!  According to Natural News, of the 35 million Americans who are age 65 or older, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) claims about 7 million of them suffer from clinical depression.  Millions are also on the prescription anti-depressant drugs known as SSRIs such as Prozac, Paxil, Lexapro and Zoloft. 

Yellow and dark leafy green vegetables are loaded with vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin and all have tremendous antioxidant properties.  Yellow and dark leafy green vegetables, particularly raw veggies, prevent cataracts and depression!  Thankfully, yellow and dark leafy green vegetables ARE NOT genetically modified.  There are tons of other health benefits associated with eating yellow and dark leafy green vegetables as well.  They prevent and cure:
  • Cancer
  • Osteoporosis
  • Stomach Ulcers
  • Anemia
  • Acne
  • Immune System Deficiency
Yes, you can be healthy, mentally and physically, without toxic drugs and risky surgery.  Do what's good for your bones, your eyes, your stomach, and your whole body.  Eat more dark leafy green vegetables today!  Start with the following recipe for a savory kale salad:

The key to this salad is finely chopping the kale leaves.


3 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice or preservative/additive free pre-packaged lemon juice
(avoid any lemon juice with preservatives like sodium benzoate or pottassium sorbate)
1 to 2 teaspoons chili powder
1/4 cup of fresh or thawed frozen blueberries
(you can also use fresh mandarin oranges or fresh or thawed frozen strawberries)
1/4 cup of carrot shreds
1/4 cup of sunflower seeds
Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Natural Salt to taste
2 bunches kale, stems and tough ribs removed and set aside, very finely chopped


In a large bowl, whisk together oil, lemon juice, chili powder, and sea salt. Add kale and carrot shreds, toss to combine, top with sunflower seeds and fruit of choice and serve.

Waste not, want not: Kale stems and tough ribs can be ground in a food processor and added to soups and/or burgers.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Prescription Drug Use in Children On The Rise

More and more children are using more and more toxic drugs with risky and unpredictable side effects to treat chronic diseases and mental illness.  According the this Reuters article, juvenile use of diabetes drugs and anti psychotics are on the rise.  Children were the leading growth demographic for the pharmaceutical industry in 2009!  Parents, drugging your child is avoidable in most cases.  Let me give you some examples...

Cold or flu?
-Cut out white sugar (pre-packaged juice is sugar), white flour, corn syrup and genetically modified food.  Supplement with six to ten glasses of water per day (no juice!), along with Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 and your child will fight off that cold or flu within a few days, with no side effects

Attention Deficit Disorder?
-Cut out the white sugar (pre-packaged juice is sugar), white flour, artificial colors and high fructose corn syrup.  Supplement with six to ten glasses of water per day (no juice!) and organic lithium orotate and you will see remarkable improvement

-Cut out white sugar (pre-packaged juice is sugar), corn syrup, and white flour and supplement with six to ten glasses of water per day (no juice!), flax seed oil and organic lithium orotate.  You will see an improvement within a few days.

-Cut out all dairy, meat, eggs, sugar (pre-packaged juice is sugar), wheat, corn syrup and vaccines.  How?  Check out the documentary, Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days and the companion DVD, Raw for Life.  Supplement with six to ten glasses of water per day (no juice!) and switch to a sugar-free, corn syrup-free, no artificial sweetener, mostly raw food, organic if you can, vegan diet and you will see a remarkable improvement within a few days.  Your child may even reverse their diabetes within 30 days.  Type 2 diabetes in completely reversible on a raw food vegan diet.

-Cut out white sugar (pre-packaged juice is sugar), corn syrup, white flour, and genetically modified foods and supplement with six to ten glasses of water per day (no juice!).  Your child's headaches will disappear.


-Cut out white sugar (pre-packaged juice is sugar), corn syrup, white flour, and genetically modified foods and supplement with six to ten glasses of water per day (no juice!).  Take a teaspoon of raw, organic, apple cider vinegar with every meal and indigestion will be cured.

-Cut out antibiotics, white sugar (pre-packaged juice is sugar), corn syrup, white flour, and genetically modified foods.  Supplement with prunes and castor oil to get rid of constipation for good.

-Cut out antibiotics, vaccines, white sugar (pre-packaged juice is sugar), corn syrup, white flour, and genetically modified foods.  Drink 10 glasses of water daily and feed your child mostly organic vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.  Supplement with Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C.  This cures acne and a whole host of other skin problems, including eczema.

Our children can be healthy without toxic drugs and risky surgery if they are breastfed, avoid antibiotics, get plenty of exercise, and eat a diet loaded with mostly raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Juice is loaded with sugar and does not count as a fruit.  Fast food and prepackaged food, including juice, loaded with monosodium glutamate, corn syrup, artificial flavors and colors, and sugar (pre-packaged juice is sugar) makes children (and adults) sick.  The drug companies are not interested in children's health and wellness.  They are more interested in selling more drugs and getting our children so sick that they become lifetime customers, taking drugs for the rest of their lives.  Recall the Tylenol scare of May 2010, where a Children's Tylenol plant knowingly used a bacteria-tainted ingredient.  And we cannot forget about the rota-virus vaccine that was found to be tainted with a pig virus in March 2010.

Yes, you and your child can be healthy without drugs in surgery.  Incorporate more raw fruits and vegetables into your diet, genetically-modified food free, and sugar free, today!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Why I Stopped Using My Microwave and Why I Plan to Throw It Out

Replace your microwave with a good quality, affordable toaster over or convection oven instead. Why? According to research done by Claire Nelson and others, published in the Journal of Natural Science and various other scientific journals, eating microwaved food is bad for human health.

1. Heating prepared meats in a microwave creates:

• d-Nitrosodiethanolamine (a well-known cancer-causing agent)
• Destabilization of active protein biomolecular compounds
• Creation of a binding effect to radioactivity in the atmosphere
• Creation of cancer-causing agents within protein-hydrosylate compounds in milk and cereal grains;

2. Microwave emissions also cause alteration in the catabolic (breakdown) behavior of glucoside – and galactoside – elements within frozen fruits when thawed in this way;

3. Microwaves alter catabolic behavior of plant-alkaloids when raw, cooked or frozen vegetables are exposed for even very short periods;

4. Cancer-causing free radicals are formed within certain trace-mineral molecular formations in plant substances, especially in raw root vegetables;

5. Ingestion of micro-waved foods causes a higher percentage of cancerous cells in blood;

6. Due to chemical alterations within food substances, malfunctions occur in the lymphatic system, causing degeneration of the immune system’s capacity to protect itself against cancerous growth;

7. The unstable catabolism of micro-waved foods alter their elemental food substances, leading to disorders in the digestive system;

8. Those ingesting microwaved foods show a statistically significant higher incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers, plus a general degeneration of peripheral cellular tissues with a gradual breakdown of digestive and excretory system function;

9. Microwave exposure caused significant decreases in the nutritional value of all foods studied, particularly:

• A decrease in the bioavailability of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotrophics
• Destruction of the nutritional value of nucleoproteins in meats
• Lowering of the metabolic activity of alkaloids, glucosides, galactosides and nitrilosides (all basic plant substances in fruits and vegetables)
• Marked acceleration of structural disintegration in all foods.

10. Microwaved plastic wrap has 10,000 times the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) limits of carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals).

Replace your microwave with a taster over or convection over as soon as you can.  You'll feel a whole lot better.  Yes, you can be healthy without toxic drugs and risky surgery!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Yikes! Every Salad Dressing Is Loaded with Corn Syrup and Other Genetically Modified Foods!

Hello Friends and Family,

Please consider avoiding store-bought salad dressing like the plague.  It is typically loaded with sugar and genetically modified ingredients, which cause cancer, diabetes, and a whole host of other health problems.  Here is an easy recipe for your own healthy salad dressing, free of genetically modified ingredients and power packed with healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.


1 1/2 Cups of Raspberries or Your Fruit of Choice (Organic if You Can)
1 - 2 Tablespoons of Organic Balsamic Vinegar
1 - 2 Teaspoons of Organic Maple Syrup (optional)
1 Teaspoon of Sea Salt
1 1/2 Cup of Organic Olive Oil
1/8 Teaspoon (1 - 2 Shakes) of Organic Garlic Powder
1/8 Teaspoon (1 - 2 Shakes) of Organic Black Pepper or White Pepper
1/8 Teaspoon (1 - 2 Shakes) of Organic Thyme


1 Blender

Add raspberries (or oranges or whatever fruit you think will make a good salad dressing), olive oil and vinegar to the blender.  Add all of the other ingredients.  Blend until smooth and pourable.  Use a tablespoon or a ladle to add to your salad as needed to taste.  Store in a glass or #5 plastic container in the fridge and continue to enjoy until it's time to make more.  Yes, you can be healthy without eating genetically modified foods!  Yes, you can!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Delicious Summer Salad Recipe with Ingredients from My Inexpensive Organic Food Buying Club!

Hello Friends and Family,

Here is an easy raw food summer salad recipe that's power packed with nutrition and energy.  Did I mention that it taste great too!

3 - 4 cups of mixed green lettuce or cut Romain lettuce (to taste)
2 - 3 tablespoons of organic, cold-pressed olive oil (to taste)
2 tablespoons of organic or all natural lemon juice or the juice of half of a lemon  (do not use Real Lemon brand lemon juice, it's loaded with preservatives)
1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar
1 cup of strawberries, sliced
1/2 avocado, sliced
1 teaspoon of sea salt
1/2 cup of whole or chopped pecans (I like them chopped)
Seasoning (to taste) with crushed thyme, tarragon, and/or bay leaf

Simple Instructions:
Toss lettuce and olive oil in a large mixing bowl until the leaves are gently coated with oil.  Add balsamic vinegar and lemon (2 tablespoons of lemon juice or squeeze half of a lemon) evenly, over the leaves and toss for 30 seconds.  Add strawberries, sea salt, and seasonings and toss for 30 seconds.  Plate the salad, top it off with the pecans and garnish with the avocado.  Enjoy!

You can get all of these wonderful, fresh ingredients through your local organic food buying club.  Here is a link to my Chicago area organic food buying club, The Healthy Food Hub (a partner of Goodness Greeness).  I urge you to join an organic food buying club in your area!  Check for an organic food buying co-op/club near you.  This way you can get the amazing health benefits of eating organic without breaking the bank!

Remember, yes, you can be healthy without drugs and surgery!  And when it comes to "food," there is a simple rule to live by if you want to be healthy..."If God didn't make it, Don't Eat It!"  Be well!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This Is Why I DO NOT Take Prescription and Non-Prescription Drugs (Unless I Am In Need of Emergency Medicine)

Key Facts

  • US$ 4.1 trillion is spent globally on health services every year, with US$ 750 billion spent in the pharmaceutical market.
  • 10 to 25% of public procurement spending (including on pharmaceuticals) is lost to corrupt practices.
  • In developed countries, fraud and abuse in health care has been estimated to cost individual governments as much as US$ 23 billion per year.
  • Countries with a higher incidence of corruption have higher child mortality rates.
  • Lack of medicines and counterfeit and substandard medicines lead to patient suffering and have direct life or death consequences.
  • To reduce corruption, thorough checks and balances are required at each step in the medicine chain. Good governance includes transparency, accountability, promoting institutional integrity and moral leadership. 
Where did these key facts come from?  From the World Health Organization (WHO)! Click the words "Key Facts" above to see the link to the WHO's fact sheet on this issue.  Friends and family, the TRUE causes of illnesses and disease in the U.S. are as follows:

  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Parasites (candida, etc.)
  • Electromagnetic Chaos
  • Lack of Exercise
  • Refined Sugar
  • Genetically Modified Foods and their Derivatives - corn, soy, cottonseed oil, aspartame, rennet in conventional non-organic hard cheeses, crookneck squash, non-organic zucchini, non-organic milk, non-organic papayas from Hawaii
  • Toxic Processed Food - loaded with toxic refined sugar, toxic genetically modified high fructose corn syrup, toxic genetically modified foods, toxic monosodium glutamate, and toxic preservatives.
  • Toxic Prescription and Non-Prescription Drugs - with a whole host of side effects, including death

High blood pressure?  Drink 4 ounces of organic celery juice (throw stalks of celery in a blender or juicer), mixed with 4 ounces of your favorite organic fruit juice 3 times per day for at least 30 days and you will be cured.

Diabetes? Obesity?  Try a raw, mostly organic if you can, vegan diet and you will be cured!

You can be healthy without risky surgery and toxic drugs!  Yes, you can be healthy, wealthy and financially free!  You have the power to accomplish health freedom and financial freedom and it starts with what you're putting in your body.  Check out the movies Food, Inc. and The Future of Food to learn more about where your food comes from and why most of it is making us sick.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Boycott Coca-Cola Now!

How to Break Free of Parasitic Corporations and Banksters: The Case for Boycotting Coca-Cola (and All Products that Contain Potentially Toxic Genetically Modified Foods/Food Additives)

•The biggest shareholder of Coca-Cola stock is Warren Buffett, Coca-Cola basically owned by Warren Buffett
•Coca-Cola is global icon and one of the most vulnerable to boycott when compared to its peers
•Coca-Cola is a Dow Jones stock, so the impact of a boycott will be noticed
•Coca-Cola trades like a global currency (like yen, dollar, gold)
•Somali Pirates deal in Coca-Cola
•If we can boycott Coca-Cola products to the point that their stock goes to zero, we will get the attention of other parasitic corporations and Wall Street
•If we can boycott Coca-Cola products to the point that their stock goes to zero, parasitic corporations and Wall Street will be frightened of us instead of us being frightened of them
•If we can boycott Coca-Cola products to the point that their stock goes to zero, it shows parasitic corporations and Wall Street that the power has shifted from the way that they do business to the way that we want them to do business
•Boycotting Coca-Cola products is easy to do
•Boycotting Coca-Cola products is like Ghandi’s march to the sea to make salt - a boycott is a NO COST weapon of choice
•You can tell every day if you’re winning: if the stock price is going down, then we’re winning; if the stock price is going up, then we’re losing;
•If we take Coca-Cola’s stock down to zero, then those executives get nothing
•If we take Coca-Cola’s stock down to zero, then we can move on to another parasitic company, coming together for a mobile feast, a boycotting army of peace-loving, freedom-loving consumers that will withdraw consumer dollars and take these stocks down to zero, wiping out their illegitimate corporate profits
•Coca-Cola products in the U.S. contain genetically modified (GM)high fructose corn syrup, which causes cancer, diabetes, obesity, and other chronic illnesses
•Coca-Cola products contain caramel color and other potentially toxic constituents which have been linked to infertility in men.

The following quotations were compiled by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. These are quotations from experts about the health hazards associated with a diet loaded with high fructose corn syrup and other refined sugars…

Roughly $40 billion in federal subsidies are going to pay corn growers, so that corn syrup is able to replace cane sugar. Corn syrup has been singled out by many health experts as one of the chief culprits of rising obesity, because corn syrup does not turn off appetite. Since the advent of corn syrup, consumption of all sweeteners has soared, as have people’s weights. According to a 2004 study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the rise of Type-2 diabetes since 1980 has closely paralleled the increased use of sweeteners, particularly corn syrup.

- There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program by Gabriel Cousens

Since the fructose in corn syrup does neither stimulate insulin secretion nor reduce the hunger hormone ghrelin, you will continue to feel hungry while the body converts the fructose into fat. The resulting obesity increases the risk of diabetes and other diseases. Since you obviously cannot expect to receive much help from those who only know how to treat the effects of illness and not its causes, you may need to take your health into you own hands.

- Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You by Andreas Moritz

More than half of the carbohydrates being consumed are in the form of sugars (sucrose, corn syrup, etc.) being added to foods as sweetening agents. High consumption of refined sugars is linked to many chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Generally, the term "dietary fiber" refers to the components of plant cell wall and non-nutritive residues. Originally, the definition was restricted to substances that are not digestible by the endogenous secretions of the human digestive tract.

- Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1 by Michael T. Murray, ND

The growing prevalence of overweight and obesity correlates with the increase in consumption of high-fructose corn syrup. Fructose also increases blood levels of triglycerides, the “bad” low-density lipoprotein form of cholesterol, and the "very bad" very-low-density lipoprotein form of cholesterol. Furthermore, it raises blood pressure, which is associated with overweight and diabetes.
- Stop Prediabetes Now: The Ultimate Plan to Lose Weight and Prevent Diabetes by Jack Challem

Processed foods commonly include refined sweets such as sugar, honey, corn syrup, molasses, and corn sweeteners that contain no fiber and only insignificant amounts of nutrients per calorie. Numerous studies offer evidence that the consumption of white-flour products and sweets such as these can be a significant cause of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Each time you eat processed foods, you miss out not only on important known nutrients and phytonutrients, but also on all of the yet undiscovered phytonutrients.

- Cholesterol Protection for Life, New Expanded Edition by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

During the 1980s, food companies began to use high-fructose corn syrup to sweeten soft drinks, ice cream, and other foods. high-fructose corn syrup appears to be worse than plain old sugar in terms of its health effects. Food companies also started to use large amounts of trans fats (in the form of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils), which contribute to diabetes, overweight, and heart disease.

- Stop Prediabetes Now: The Ultimate Plan to Lose Weight and Prevent Diabetes by Jack Challem

High-fructose corn syrup is sweeter, is easier to handle during processing, has a longer shelf life, and keeps baked goods soft while giving them a warm, toasty color. Interestingly, as the use of high-fructose corn syrup has soared, America's obesity problem has also spiraled out of control. In fact, journalist Greg Critser, author of the intriguing Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World, observes that the lower-priced high-fructose corn syrup has allowed food producers to increase portion sizes without sacrificing profits.

- Sugar Shock!: How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life-- and How YouCan Get Back on Track by Connie Bennett, C.H.H.C. with Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.

Other sugar derivatives, including fructose and corn syrup, contribute to the excessive sugar load. Sugar provides empty calories and is a cheap way to get a boost of energy, since it is metabolized by the body into glucose. But too much sugar swamps the body, which is incapable of processing the sugar effectively. With continued overuse of sugar, the pancreas eventually wears out and is no longer able to clear sugar from the blood efficiently. The blood sugar level rises and diabetes may result.

- Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition by Larry Trivieri, Jr.

As high-fructose corn syrup takes off, obesity soars in the 1970s and 1980s, most major American food manufacturers began replacing sugar (sucrose, made from sugarcane or beets) with such corn-based sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). high-fructose corn syrup now is found in an astonishing array of processed goods, including soft drinks and fruit juices, as well as condiments, breads, cookies, breakfast cereals, pasta sauces, frozen foods, jams, and jellies.

- Sugar Shock!: How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life-- and How YouCan Get Back on Track by Connie Bennett, C.H.H.C. with Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.

The whole of the industrial food supply was reformulated to reflect the new nutritional wisdom, giving us low-fat pork, low-fat Snackwell's, and all the low-fat pasta and high-fructose (yet low-fat!) corn syrup we could consume. Which turned out to be quite a lot. Oddly, Americans got really fat on their new low-fat diet-indeed, many date the current epidemic of obesity and diabetes to the late 1970s, when Americans began bingeing on carbohydrates, ostensibly as a way to avoid the evils of fat.

- In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan

The people who make those awful bottled "natural" fruit drinks and teas aren't going to like this, but it's possible that the steep rise in our consumption of high fructose corn syrup has contributed to the rise in diabetes by depleting chromium. (As our consumption of high fructose corn syrup has risen 250 percent in the past 15 years, our rate of diabetes has increased approximately 45 percent in about the same time period.

- Bottom Line's Prescription Alternatives by Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA

Although sugar is frequently disguised in labels under another name, whether as fructose, sucrose, corn syrup, dextrose, lactose, or maltodextrose, it's still sugar. High-sugar diets contribute to the development of Syndrome X, yeast infections of all types, obesity, diabetes, hypoglycemia, gallbladder disease, and some types of psychological problems, especially depression and premenstrual syndrome. Processed foods and junk food, these foods are synonymous with "fast food." They are devoid of sound nutrition and high in sugar, fat, salt, and chemical preservatives.

- Intelligent Medicine: A Guide to Optimizing Health and Preventing Illness for the Baby-Boomer Generation by Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D.

The average American now consumes over 100 pounds of sucrose and 40 pounds of corn syrup each year. This sugar addiction probably plays a major role in the high prevalence of poor health and chronic disease in the United States. Research in the past three decades has provided an ever-increasing amount of new information on the role that both refined carbohydrates (sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and low-fiber starchy foods) and faulty blood sugar control play in many disease processes.

- Hunger Free Forever: The New Science of Appetite Control by Michael T. Murray and Michael R. Lyon

Some suggest that high-fructose corn syrup, which is widely used as an inexpensive sweetener in juice, soft drinks, and processed foods, might predispose people to diabetes. In animal research this sugar leads to insulin resistance and poor glucose tolerance. Until this controversy is sorted out, we discourage the consumption of foods and beverages containing high-fructose corn syrup.

- Best Choices From the People's Pharmacy by Joe Graedon, M.S. and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D.

These types of sweeteners are among the main causes of obesity in the United States today. Corn syrup is a cheap sweetener which helps hold the product price down. This corn sweetener is six times sweeter than cane sugar and started replacing other sugars as its popularity and low price caught on in the market place. It is now used in 40% of all products that have sweeteners added. The average American consumes high amounts of corn syrup every day.

- Defeat Cancer by Gregory A. Gore

Some evidence indicates that fructose and high-fructose corn syrup have a more pronounced effect than do glucose and sucrose on taste receptors, imprinting both the tongue and the brain with a stronger desire for sweet foods throughout life. There is also evidence that fructose and high-fructose corn syrup modify the brain's appetite-regulating centers. Fructose decreases levels of leptin, a hunger-suppressing hormone, and it boosts levels of ghrelin, a hunger-stimulating hormone creating a double-whammy that fosters more eating and weight gain.

- Stop Prediabetes Now: The Ultimate Plan to Lose Weight and Prevent Diabetes by Jack Challem

Diabetics must be careful about their use of natural sweeteners, including honey, maple syrup, and molasses. Artificial sweeteners should also be avoided. Aspartame is especially bad for insulin-dependent diabetics because it affects blood sugar levels and thus makes controlling them more difficult.

- The Enzyme Cure: How Plant Enzymes Can Help You Relieve 36 Health Problems by Lita Lee, Lisa Turner and Burton Goldberg

Some of these sweeteners may be honey, invert sugar, corn sweeteners, molasses, maltose, corn syrup, galactose, glucose, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, and maltodextrin. If necessary, food can be sweetened with stevia. Stevia is a potent sweetener that is naturally occurring but does not cause a rise in blood sugar levels. A very small amount (approximately one-sixteenth of a teaspoon) is equivalent to one teaspoon of table sugar. Using too much stevia makes foods taste bitter. If you purchase stevia, make certain that it is a pure product.
- Getting Rid of Ritalin: How Neurofeedback Can Successfully Treat Attention Deficit Disorder Without Drugs by Robert W. Hill, Ph.D. and Eduardo Castro, M.D.

In the carbohydrate category, relatively low-glycemic carbohydrates include things like yams or sweet potatoes; whole grains, like whole grain brown rice and whole grain barley; and sugars like Agave nectar rather than fructose, processed sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Stevia is, of course, an excellent sweetener to use. It has virtually no blood sugar effect whatsoever. If you want a tasty sweetener that is extremely low on the glycemic index, get Agave nectar. Ideally, get Agave nectar grown and harvested from Blue Weber agave plants.

- Natural Health Solutions by Mike Adams

How excessive tax subsidies of corn production result in the ubiquitous sweetener high fructose corn syrup (which some experts say contributes to weight gain) is an excellent illustration. But I am especially outraged by the examples in this chapter because they are blatant and deliberate strategies to place corporate profits above public interest. It's as if government officials aren't even trying to hide how deeply inside industry's pockets they have buried themselves.

- Appetite for Profit: How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Back by Michele Simon

Consumption of sugar (or its equivalents, like corn syrup) in soft drinks has been linked to obesity in children and adolescents. But a recent study of almost all fifty-year-old men and women in Framingham, Massachusetts, found that having more than one soft drink, whether sugared or diet, increased the risk of metabolic syndrome by 44 percent over a four-year period. The risk was increased similarly whether the drink was sugared or diet.

- You: Staying Young: The Owner's Manual for Extending Your Warranty by Mehmet C. Oz., M.D. and Michael F. Roizen, M.D.

At one end of the spectrum would be white refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup, probably the two that cause the most harm to the body. On the other end of the spectrum is Stevia, which is actually beneficial to the body and has little to no effect on the blood sugar. Concentrated sweeteners of any kind, natural or otherwise, are best kept to a minimum. Consider foods made with them as special treats rather than daily events. When you do indulge, the natural sweeteners that follow are your best choice. On a regular basis, keep them to a minimum in accordance with your tolerance level.

- If It's Not Food, Don't Eat It! The No-nonsense Guide to an Eating-for-Health Lifestyle by Kelly Harford, M.C., C.N.C.

Whether you take your sweetness in the form of table sugar, brown sugar, turbinado, raw sugar, honey, glucose, dextrose, or corn syrup, it puts an enormous strain on your system and acts as a cross-linking free radical to damage your cells. One of the most common results of over consumption of sugar is hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Some 35 percent of all Americans suffer from some form of this condition, in which a craving for sugar is followed by a swift high and then a painful crash as sweet foods are consumed.

- Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium by Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman

A fight between picturesque villagers who want to drink water where they've lived all their lives and a multinational that wants to buy it on the cheap, whip some corn syrup into it, and sell it back to them at irrationally exuberant prices is one into which even Tom Friedman might find it hard to fly. America's right to consume as much oil as it can lay its hands on may be god-given and defensible by thermonuclear warfare. But obesity from sugary water still sounds like a dubious privilege in a constitutional republic. That, briefly, is the quandary of the new globalized world.

- Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets: Surviving the Public Spectacle in Finance and Politics (Agora Series) by William Bonner, Lila Rajiva

Instead of containing fat, they were loaded with sugars like corn syrup, sucrose and other refined sugars. As a result, when people consumed these products, their bodies converted those sugars into body fat. Thus, the very products that claimed to be fat-free were promoting the creation and storage of body fat in the bodies of people who ate them. That's classic misdirection. Today, we see a lot of products that claim to be sugar-free foods.

- Spam Filters for Your Brain by Mike Adams

All sugar-intolerant people, especially those suffering from seizures, should avoid all refined sugars (white sugar, corn syrup, fructose, commercial honey) and all synthetic sugars, especially NutraSweet. Even organic whole sugars such as sucanat (whole sugar cane) and raw honey can be problematic. The source of dietary sugar should be organic whole fruits and fruit juices. Blood Sugar can be maintained at night by eating a salty snack, drinking fruit juice, or eating a light protein snack just before bed.

- The Enzyme Cure: How Plant Enzymes Can Help You Relieve 36 Health Problems by Lita Lee, Lisa Turner and Burton Goldberg

Eliminate refined sugar and processed food that contains refined sugar such as table sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup and dextrose. Use natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, raw honey, black strap molasses, date sugar and others. Eliminate trans-fatty acids, fat is a much-maligned macronutrient. We have been brainwashed by dieticians and the diet industry into believing that eating fat is bad for our health and that dietary fat is responsible for obesity.

- Overcoming Thyroid Disorders by David Brownstein

A 1989 study by the National Research Council ("Diet and Health Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk"; Washington, DC, National Academy Press) concluded that the typical individual consumes more than 100 pounds of sucrose and 35 pounds of corn syrup every year. Clinical nutritionists also concur that low blood sugar causes foggy brain functioning. Think of it this way: The brain is dependent on glucose just as the lungs are dependent on oxygen. When the ratio of either is askew, your body will feel off-balance.

- Food Swings: Make the Life-Changing Connection Between the Foods You Eat and Your Emotional Health and Well-Being by Barnet Meltzer, M.D.

Soft drinks are for the most part sweetened with corn syrup, a mixture of glucose (a monosaccharide sugar), fructose (a monosaccharide sugar), maltose (a disaccharide sugar), and other small saccharides in other words, sugars. From a biochemical and physiological standpoint, these sugars are similar to sucrose, as all are convertible to glucose (blood sugar) in the body. To argue that soft drinks "do not contain sugar" because they are not sweetened with sucrose is misleading and not in the interest of public education about diet and health.

- Food Fight by Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen

Certain types of sugar also have less impact on blood sugar than others. Those that least affect blood sugar contain a higher proportion of fructose relative to glucose or sucrose. The newest "star" in the sugar world is agave nectar or syrup, which comes from a cactus-like plant. It has a very low glycemic index, as it is 90 percent fructose.

- Defeating Diabetes by Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard

Any label that says sucrose, glucose, maltose, lactose, fructose, sugar, corn syrup, or white grape juice concentrate is a source of added dietary sugar. With all this talk of lowering cholesterol and improving the cholesterol ratios, it is easy to forget how important it is to balance the blood pressure and how foods may have a positive or a negative effect on this. For example, a diet low in potassium and high in sodium is associated with high blood pressure. By contrast, a diet high in potassium and low in sodium can protect against elevation of blood pressure.

- Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies and Integrative Medicine for Total Health and Wellness by Tori Hudson, N.D.

High fructose corn syrup came into widespread use as a sugar substitute in the 1970's because of its lower price. By 1990 the quantity of fructose consumed had gone up ten fold. This is now present in candy, soda, cereal, crackers, bread and hundreds of other foods. Fructose was believed to be a safe sugar substitute because it has no adverse effects on either blood sugar values or insulin output. However, there are two serious problems from fructose usage. When ingested, fructose is immediately shuttled directly to the liver.

- A Physician's Guide To Natural Health Products That Work by James A. Howenstine, MD

Jeffrey Smith, author of the bestseller Seeds of Deception, has explained how genetically modified (GM) foods cause health problems, and their potential for creating a vast array of unforeseen and surprising illnesses. In the bestseller, Seeds of Deception, Smith highlighted an Italian study where researchers fed GM corn to mice. As a result, the mice expressed a wide variety of immune responses commonly associated with diseases such as:
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Inflammatory bowel disease
• Osteoporosis
• Atherosclerosis
• Various types of cancer
• Allergies
• Lou Gehrig’s disease

In addition, Smith has documented at least 65 serious health risks from GM products of all kinds.
Among them:
• Offspring of rats fed GM soy showed a five-fold increase in mortality, lower birth weights, and the inability to reproduce
• Male mice fed GM soy had damaged young sperm cells
• The embryo offspring of GM soy-fed mice had altered DNA functioning
• Several US farmers reported sterility or fertility problems among pigs and cows fed on GM corn varieties
• Investigators in India have documented fertility problems, abortions, premature births, and other serious health issues, including deaths, among buffaloes fed GM cottonseed products

A Danish study, recently published in the Journal of Epidemiology, found a link between high consumption of cola drinks and reduced semen quality (infertility).

Just about all pre-packaged and processed foods contain refined sugar, GM high fructose corn syrup, and other GM food products and their derivatives. GM foods and their derivatives are, in my humble opinion as an environmental scientist, one of the most significant threats that we have against the very sustainability of the human race and yet Coca-Cola refuses to take genetically modified high fructose corn syrup out of their products.

What can we do to get healthy and attain wealth?  Start by boycotting Coca-Cola! Take control of your health and let’s take this country back from greedy corporations and criminal international banksters, a.k.a., Wall Street -- the Merril Lynch Mob, the Bank of Bankrupt America, the JP Morgan Chase Your Pension Away Gang, Government Sachs, Sleezy Citibank, etc. You have the power!  Yes, you can be healthy without depending on greedy corporations or subjecting yourself to toxic drugs and risky surgery. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

RED ALERT! Pastor Anderson's WARNING!

Pastor Anderson's story is a testament to what the "Patriot" Act has done to our freedom in this country. I disagree with his statement that President Obama is the worst president in the history of the U.S. All presidents since President Kennedy are simply puppets of banks and corporations that have hijacked our government and squashed our freedoms. Fascist, Marxist, imperialist, elitist, socialist, communist, Nazi governments justify their tyranny in the name of fighting terrorists.

Our rights to life, liberty and happiness come from God, not from the legislative, judicial or the executive branch of the U.S. government. Why is ANYONE in the United States of America being treated the way that Pastor Anderson was? What about inner city/rural people of color? African American and Hispanic young people locked up for a few grams of marijuana or other drugs? Where are the drugs coming from? From CIA-funded and orchestrated drug running! Yes, we can break free of corporations and banks and reclaim our God-given rights. How do we do it?  Boycott Coca-Cola (mostly owned by Warren Buffett, makes products loaded with toxic genetically modified high fructose corn syrup that causes diabetes, cancer and obesity). Don't vote for any more Republicans (Republicrats) or Democrats (Demopublicans) who supported banker bailouts and the Patriot Act.  Eat more organic vegetables and fruits to optimize your health!  Remember, health, freedom, and wealth are only a decision away!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Cover-Up: BP's Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster

This is a great article by Wayne Madsen about what they (some high level government officials and corporation executives) don't want you to know regarding the undersea "erupting oil volcano" disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.  This disaster and the related cover-up is what happens when the merger of state and corporate powers occurs - fascism. Under fascism, the CEO of BP can make proclamations implying that the benefits of deep undersea drilling outweigh the costs.  When heads of corporations have attitudes like this the environment suffers and ultimately, we all suffer. Under fascism, corporations literally write the regulations that govern them, under a policy of voluntary compliance in many cases. Shame on you Haliburton and shame on you Bush Administration for allowing this to happen!  Shame on you President Roosevelt for setting the stage for fascism with your Unconstitutional expansion of government powers.  President Obama, please come out of those backroom deal meetings with the CEO of BP and come clean - be honest with the American people about the true magnitude of this environmental disaster and let's work together to clean it up, fix it, and take steps to make sure it never happens again.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we're being told?

This is very disturbing.   Why did this volcano of toxic oil have to be erupted in the Gulf of Mexico?  What went wrong and who was responsible? Why aren't we using cleaner, safer hemp oil in the 21st century?  I don't know the answers to all of these questions.  The article that I linked to on addresses some of these issues.  But the bottom line is that it's all about the money and the perception - the Power Elite want to take advantage of a monopoly on fossil fuels and set up their infamous problem, reaction, solution. Problem: non-renewable fossil fuel energy sources, the possibility of Peak Oil, the possibility of man-made global warming from fossil fuel burning; Reaction/Solution: proposed cap and trade/tax legislation that will tax the developing world into bankruptcy and de-industrialize the industrialized world. Yes, we can achieve energy independence that will create wealth rather than destroy it, empower the developing world, and protecting the environment all at the same time! Cap and tax/trade IS NOT the answer. Natural gas and hemp are the answers - stop gaps until we get cost-effective cold fusion or zero point energy!

Florida Cops Blow Up “Suspicious” Package, Turns Out to be Church Donation

What can I say about this story?  I am still laughing.  This silliness is the result of Bin Laden’s network being protected every step of the way by the CIA and some of the 9/11 hijackers being not only trained at U.S. military bases, but in many cases, also issued "Express" visas!  Meanwhile, good FBI agents like Robert Wright attempted to penetrate the wider plot but were strategically blocked from doing so.  This reminds me of the incident at Mayor Cheye Calvo's residence, where the SWAT team busted in, guns drawn in a no-knock raid, shooting and killing two dogs over an unopened, unexpectedly delivered package of marijuana.

If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy” - James Madison

Friday, May 7, 2010

U.S. Food Prices ‘Spiraling Out of Control’

Food prices increased in March - the highest jump in 26 years and the sixth consecutive month's increase! Note that some of the largest increases are in the healthiest foods: fresh eggs, fruits, vegetables. This is due to distortions in the market from government subsidies of meat, dairy, and grains. There is a solution! Save at least 10% of your income for a rainy day. Consider stocking up on food from places like E-foods direct. Even though it's more expensive, eat more fruits and vegetables. If you get healthy now, then you'll save big on healthcare costs down the road. Yes, you can be healthy and financially free without toxic drugs and risky surgery!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I am reading Jeffrey M. Smith's book, Seeds of Deception and NOT voluntarily eating toxic Genetically Modified (GM) foods EVER AGAIN. I WILL NOT be obese or get kidney and/or liver damage. Shame on you food companies for using the American people as guinea pigs!  Do you want to be healthy?  Incorporate more raw fruits and veggies into your diet.  Avoid genetically modified foods: corn (especially high fructose corn syrup), soybeans, canola, cottonseed, crookneck squash, papayas from Hawaii, zucchini, aspartame (in all "diet" sodas and "diet" foods), conventional dairy products containing rbGH, and rennet in conventional hard cheeses.  

In Seeds of Deception, Smith mentions an Italian study where they fed genetically modified corn to mice. As a result, the mice expressed a wide variety of immune responses commonly associated with diseases such as:
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Various types of cancer
  • Allergies
  • Lou Gehrig’s disease
In addition, Jeffrey Smith has documented at least 65 serious health risks from GM products of all kinds.
Among them:
  • Offspring of rats fed GM soy showed a five-fold increase in mortality, lower birth weights, and the inability to reproduce
  • Male mice fed GM soy had damaged young sperm cells
  • The embryo offspring of GM soy-fed mice had altered DNA functioning
  • Several US farmers reported sterility or fertility problems among pigs and cows fed on GM corn varieties
  • Investigators in India have documented fertility problems, abortions, premature births, and other serious health issues, including deaths, among buffaloes fed GM cottonseed products 
  • Conventional non-organic milk with GM growth hormone, has been linked to increased cancer risk.

Dr. Joseph Mercola conducted an excellent interview with Jeffrey M. Smith.  I have linked to it here.  Please stay tuned for my full review of this great book -- one of the key pieces in the mystery surrounding a rise in chronic illness and obesity in the U.S.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Diabetes Can Be Prevented and Managed Without Drugs and Surgery

Dr. Suzy Cohen makes it clear that you DO NOT need drugs for every little ache, burp, and pain.  Diabetes and other health conditions related to metabolic syndrome can be prevented with good nutrition and mild exercise.  Try supplementing your diet with all natural eleotin.  Cut out the processed sugar.  Eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and lean meats.  Try to incorporate more organic foods into your diet.  Avoid fast foods and processed foods, which usually contain monosodium glutamate (MSG) and artificial colors.  Avoid genetically modified foods like corn, soy, cottonseed oil.  Diabetes, obesity, and other metabolic disorders are completely preventable, but you have to take action for your health.

Monday, April 19, 2010

FDA Scientists Ask Obama to Restructure Drug Agency

Everyone should be concerned about this.  The fact that these Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientists are "pleading' with the President's transition team to restructure the agency shows that the FDA IS NOT working.  This is unacceptable. 

About 1.5 million preventable “adverse drug events” occur in the United States every year, according to a 2007 study by the Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academy of Sciences. Aside from the toll on health, the errors cost an estimated $4 billion a year, the study found.  For every one person who was killed by swine flu this past flu season, a whopping four people are killed by common drugs like aspirin! 

Do yourself and your health a favor, try eating more vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts, and seeds.  Replace sugary beverages like soda and fruit juice with water to reduce your heart disease risk and prevent diabetes and obesity.  Avoid fast food, which is loaded with various toxins like monosodium glutamate (causes brain damage), aspartame (causes brain damage), artificial colors (cause brain damage), and high fructose corn syrup (causes liver damage).  The FDA IS NOT acting in the best interest of the health of the American people in approving food additives, drugs, and medical devices.  There is power in taking responsibility for your health and saying no to government and corporate malfeasance, which promotes sickness and dependence on drugs and surgery.  You have the power!  You can be healthy without drugs and surgery!  Take control of your own health and you won't need drugs and surgery except in emergency situations.  

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Health Insurance Companies Invest Billions in Fast Food Chains

The articles referenced in this post, which are based on research published in the American Journal of Public Health, explain how "health" insurance companies are not really concerned about health at all.  Health insurance companies owned $1.9 billion in  stock in the five largest fast-food corporations -- Jack in the Box, McDonald's, Burger King, Yum! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and others), and Wendy's/Arby's.  All fast food sold in the U.S. is loaded with dangerous ingredients like - sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial flavors, artificial colors, and genetically modified foods.  These ingredients in fast food can cause brain damage, kidney damage, liver damage, heart disease, cancer, and obesity. 

And now that the "health" care legislation has passed, Americans will be forced to purchase "health" insurance by government mandate and penalties.  This does not make sense.  I understand how dangerous fast food is.  I should have a choice about purchasing a product ("health" insurance) from a company that invests in fast food, which is really not food at all.  It's really bio-weaponry, in my opinion, dressed up as food.

If you want to see a dramatic change in your health for the better, avoid fast food like the plague.  What can you do to take control of your own health and work toward never getting sick again?  Eat more vegetables, lean meats, fruit, gluten free grains like quinoa, and nuts, prepared from home.  Drink water instead of soda.  Take a whole food supplements that include essential nutrients like coral calcium, magnesium, and Vitamin D3.  If you want to drink juice, make your own prepared in a blender at home, with no added sugar or high fructose corn syrup.  You'll lose weight, feel better, and if you stick with it, you may never be sick again! 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Researchers Find Cancer-Fighting Properties in Papaya Tea

Yes, you can prevent and resolve cancer without drugs and surgery!  You can take control of your own health and wellness!  There is power in God-given, all-natural healing!  There is power in you!

Good nutrition is key in promoting health, wellness and overall well-being.  Dr. Nam Dang from the University of Florida and colleagues in Japan  discovered that tea from dried papaya leaves can prevent cancer of the breast, cervix, liver, lung, and pancreas!  Check out Dr. Dang's article published in the February 17 issue of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology for more information on the amazing immune system benefits associated with papaya leaf extract.

Shocking Sugar Content of Common Food Products and Genetically Modified "Sugar" Taking Over the U.S. Sugar Supply

Any food that contains more than 15 grams of sugar per serving is desert and should be avoided.  If you must consume a high sugar food, cut the serving in half to protect and preserve your health.  Fruit juice (Sunny Delight, Tropicana, Minute Maid, Simply Orange, Simply Apple, Naked Juice, Odwalla Juice, Welch's, etc.) contains over 20 grams of sugar per serving.  Consuming over 25 grams of sugar daily causes high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, premature aging, aggravated asthma, exacerbated mental illness, mood swings, personality changes, aggression, nervous disorders, gallstones, hair thinning, hair loss, premature male pattern baldness, hypertension, and arthritis, and that’s just the beginning!  On top of this, starting in late 2009, the "sugar" in the U.S. food supply will be from genetically modified (GM) sugar beets.  The GM industry has created a loophole for themselves, so they don't have to put that the sugar is genetically modified on the label.

To attain and maintain a health, we should consume only about 25 grams of sugar per day!  Try fruit (organic, if you can), with no more than 15 grams of sugar per serving/daily intake, as an alternative to sugar and high fructose corn syrup.  Avoid genetically modified (GM) foods, which cause stomach cancer, kidney failure, and liver damage.  Avoid toxic artificial sweeteners like aspartame and Splenda.  You can take responsibility for your own health!  You can be healthy without drugs and surgery!  Get healthy!  Increase your vegetable and fruit intake (organic, if you can) today!