Saturday, May 22, 2010

Delicious Summer Salad Recipe with Ingredients from My Inexpensive Organic Food Buying Club!

Hello Friends and Family,

Here is an easy raw food summer salad recipe that's power packed with nutrition and energy.  Did I mention that it taste great too!

3 - 4 cups of mixed green lettuce or cut Romain lettuce (to taste)
2 - 3 tablespoons of organic, cold-pressed olive oil (to taste)
2 tablespoons of organic or all natural lemon juice or the juice of half of a lemon  (do not use Real Lemon brand lemon juice, it's loaded with preservatives)
1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar
1 cup of strawberries, sliced
1/2 avocado, sliced
1 teaspoon of sea salt
1/2 cup of whole or chopped pecans (I like them chopped)
Seasoning (to taste) with crushed thyme, tarragon, and/or bay leaf

Simple Instructions:
Toss lettuce and olive oil in a large mixing bowl until the leaves are gently coated with oil.  Add balsamic vinegar and lemon (2 tablespoons of lemon juice or squeeze half of a lemon) evenly, over the leaves and toss for 30 seconds.  Add strawberries, sea salt, and seasonings and toss for 30 seconds.  Plate the salad, top it off with the pecans and garnish with the avocado.  Enjoy!

You can get all of these wonderful, fresh ingredients through your local organic food buying club.  Here is a link to my Chicago area organic food buying club, The Healthy Food Hub (a partner of Goodness Greeness).  I urge you to join an organic food buying club in your area!  Check for an organic food buying co-op/club near you.  This way you can get the amazing health benefits of eating organic without breaking the bank!

Remember, yes, you can be healthy without drugs and surgery!  And when it comes to "food," there is a simple rule to live by if you want to be healthy..."If God didn't make it, Don't Eat It!"  Be well!

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