Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Back! Sweet Almond Green Shake!

Hello All,

I'm back with another great recipe for optimal health.  Remember, the worst things you can eat are sugar, wheat, dairy and most grains and starchy carbohydrates, but greens of all kinds are THE BEST!

Sweet Almond Green Shake

1/2 cup liquid chlorophyll (glycerin free)
1/4 cup RAW ORGANIC almond butter
1 Tablespoon Organic Palm Sugar (coconut sugar) OR Truvia OR Just Like Sugar for Diabetics/People with Cancer or Chronic Illness
Meat of 1 young Thai Coconut
4 cups green juice (juice of cucumber, celery and spinach)
1 cup almond milk
4 cups raw spinach
1 avocado pitted and peeled
Pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt
10 Ice Cubes (add more ice cubes if you want a thicker shake)

Why are you drinking this?
-optimal health starts with healthy pH and healthy blood
-this is an alkalizing shake, takes acid out of the body and raises your body's pH to alkaline, disease cannot survive in an alkaline environment
-blood rebuilds fast with liquid chlorophyll supplementation
-almond butter makes shake more palatable, adds sweetness, has calcium, magnesium, protein, almonds good for the hard white parts of our body (bones and teeth)
-coconut meat has healthy fat, phosphorus and calcium for the hard white parts of our body (bones and teeth)
-avocado has lots of potassium
-Lots of healthy fats (almond, avocado, coconut)

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