Depending on your body size, the quantities in this recipe may actually be enough for 2 servings.
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (very low in sugar if you get the unsweetened variety)
- 1 cup coconut milk drink (if you can't find the "coconut milk drink", you can use 1/3 cup canned coconut milk with 2/3 cup water, since canned coconut milk is much thicker and creamier than "coconut milk drink")
- 1 packet unsweetened frozen acai puree (you can find unsweetened acai frozen puree here or at many health food stores)
- A couple handfuls of frozen goji berries or other mixed berries (I've found frozen goji berries at Whole Foods stores... don't use dried goji berries as they'll make big chunks in your smoothie. The frozen goji berries taste better too. You can read more about the superfood status of goji berries here)
- A handful of fresh or frozen spinach
- 1 packet of stevia or for non-diabetics, 1-2 Tablespoons of Palm Sugar
- I like to use natural non-caloric (stevia) or low-glycemic index (palm sugar) because I am strictly against the use of artificial sweeteners)
- 2 teaspoons of chia seeds (one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat...loaded with rare antioxidants, soluble fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, and super high in omega-3's)
- 2 teaspoons of hemp seeds (significant amounts of zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals, as well as a high quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids)
- 1 Tablespoon of glycerin-free chlorophyll
- 2 teaspoons of raw cacao nibs (one of the highest antioxidant foods available; can help reduce blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular function)
- 1 teaspoon of raw organic cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon of raw Maca powder (nutrient-rich, made from a south american root; purported to help increase libido; adaptogen that can help the body deal with stress)
- 1 scoop of chocolate Sun Warrior Raw Vegan Protein
(this is one of the only truly RAW vegan proteins I've found)
- 1 tablespoon of raw almond butter

Blend all the ingredients until thick and smooth. I add the powdered ingredients after the blender is already running so that they mix easier. This smoothie is so powerfully healthy for your body, you'll notice a consistent "super-energy" throughout the day without spikes and crashes if you start each day with one of these. Also, if you consciously think about how nutritious this smoothie is, your body will actually get even better results, because of the power of the mind (placebo effect).
This recipe was adapted for a raw vegan lifestyle from Mike Geary's "Superhuman Smoothie" Recipe for Extreme Health. Enjoy!
Off topic, but trying to find libertarian blogs to spread the word:
ReplyDelete"POLL REVEALS: Americans Are Still In Deep Denial About The Deficit" If they realized how bad it is politicians would need to act. Non politics-junkies tune out numbers in the $trillions so we need to rephrase the issue:
The federal government will need >$1 million per household to pay its IOUs!
> $116 trillion ="official" debt plus money short for future social security, medicare, etc
Even its "official debt" of $14.2 trillion is $123,754 per household!
Details at with links to contact congress & complain.
Be among the first to join the new Facebook cause "Stop National Debt" :
since if you don't spread the word, who will?